Augenkissen mit Bio-Lavendel

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Augenkissen werden aus ökologischem Buchweizenbrei und Lavendelblüten hergestellt. Die natürliche und entspannende Wirkung von Lavendel sorgt für einen ruhigen und tiefen Schlaf.
So niedrig wie € 10,77

Eye pillows are made from ecological buckwheat spells and flowers of lavender. Natural power of aromatheraphy calms down tired eyes and calms mind and body. Buckwheat spells are regulating temperature, are airy and antialergic.

Natural and relaxing effect of lavender will bring you to calm and deep sleep. Perfect relaxation and bliss in simple and light eye pillow.

Perfect companion for relaxation at yoga, meditation, before sleep, traveling and with excess use of computer and other screens.

Eye pillows Natural lavender and buckwheat spells, 25 cm x 10 cm

  • natural eye pillow for relaxation and anti-stress effect
  • perfect accessory for yoga, therapy, meditation, relaxation and support to better sleep
  • natural remedy for migraines, colds, sinus infection,...
  • cotton cover
  • stuffed with lavender flowers as well as organic buckwheat
  • natural aromatherapy of lavender essential oils
  • oganic buckwheat spells are durable, airy and antiallergenic, they sustain rutin-antioxidant which benefits arterial system and
  • lightness of the filling adapts perfectly to face
  • eye pillow can be warmed up to increase the effect
  • slovene product
  • size: 25 cm x 10 cm

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Gewicht (kg)0.010000
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  1. Great
    Great product
  2. Lep design
    Lep design, pogrešam pa pralno zaščito (torej dodatno srajčko iz blaga, ki se jo lahko odstrani in opere).

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