Kaffee Escobar Guatemala Finca Grandana

Kaffee Guatemala Finca Grandana von Escobar fällt mit seinem Geschmack auf. Sie werden sich sicherlich daran erinnern und dem treu bleiben.
So niedrig wie € 4,62

Coffee Guatemala Finca Grandana from Escobar stands out with its taste. The fruity taste of orange and berries and the sweetness of molasses evoke a special experience while drinking coffee.

You will surely remember it and stay true to it.

Coffee Escobar Guatemala Finca Grandana 100 g

  • coffee from the segment of specialized coffees (Single Origin Coffees)
  • with the aroma of orange and berries and the sweetness of molasses
  • originates from the area of ​​Huehuetenango, La Libertad, 1,500 - 1,800 m
  • the coffee beans are ground
  • weight: 100g

Coffee thrives on fertile soil. It grows in the shade. Coffee beans (cherry coffee) are picked by hand. This is followed by drying on concrete floors, in the sun. Drying takes 4 weeks.

Finca Grandana coffee has a very special story. In 1958, the doctor and director of a hospital in Huehuetenang, Jorge Vides, bought fertile land and decided to start his own coffee plantation.

He started coffee production with great enthusiasm and along the way he learned to work, very diligently and carefully. Of course, he was helped by various experts who helped establish an entire system that is eco-friendly, water-friendly, environmentally friendly and with care for the preservation of forests and natural vegetation. Now work on coffee plantations is being continued by the next generation of Vides.

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Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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