Kork yogamatte Printed Cork Mandala 5mm Gaiam

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Gaiams bedruckte Cork Mandala-Yogamatte aus Kork und TPE-Material ist perfekt für alle mit verschwitzten Handflächen und Füßen. Kork haftet gut, wenn Ihre Hände und Füße nass sind. Das heißt, es kann vor dem Training mit Wasser besprüht werden und der nasse Korken bleibt haften.
So niedrig wie € 54,31 Regulärer Preis € 83,56

Gaiam's Printed Cork Mandala yoga mat made of cork and TPE material is perfect for anyone with sweaty palms and feet. Cork grips well when your hands and feet are wet. In other words, it can be sprayed with water before exercise and the wet cork will stick.

Cork yoga mat Printed Cork Mandala 5mm Gaiam

  • for more demanding yogis and more dynamic styles of yoga (Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Power yoga...)
  • the top layer is made of cork and is therefore soft and smooth - so we just slide from position to position, which is fantastic for a more dynamic yoga practice
  • when sweating profusely or when practicing Hot yoga, the grip is even better (a wet, damp cork gives an even better grip)
  • the cork yoga mat can also be lightly sprayed with water so that the mat adheres better
  • cork contains the substance suberin (waxy substance), which makes it resistant to fire and water, and together with moisture (water), suberin develops into a non-slip substance - therefore a wet cork mat provides excellent grip
  • natural cork surface absorbs excess moisture when you sweat - no need to worry about it slipping on a wet yoga mat and no need for an extra yoga towel
  • cork does not cause allergies, it is a naturally antibacterial "product"
  • the lower part of the mat is made of biodegradable TPE material
  • does not contain PVC, latex and other harmful impurities
  • dimensions: 173 x 61 x 0.5 cm

Maintenance of the cork mat

A new cork yoga mat may have a cork smell. If it bothers you, leave it uncovered for 2-3 days and the smell will disappear. Cork is a very durable material. It is important to always roll from the outside in (so that the cork is on the outside) - this will prevent the cork from cracking and prevent the yoga mat from curling. Clean the mat with a damp, soft cloth and always dry it thoroughly before rolling it up. Do not expose it to direct sunlight.


Gaiam - Yoga Mats, Fitness Apparel & Wellness Products

GAIAM is a brand from the USA that offers us a very wide selection of yoga mats, yoga accessories, fitness equipment, pilates equipment, meditation equipment, massage balls and other accessories for massage, elastic bands for exercise, clothes for yoga and other exercises and more and more products for different types of exercise.

More about Gaiam


More Information
Gewicht (kg)1.400000
Dickevon 3 bis 5 mm
Länge178 cm - 185 cm
StrukturOffene Zelle

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