Kupferbecher 400 ml

Stellen Sie einen Kupferbecher mit Wasser neben Ihr Bett und trinken Sie morgens einen vollen Becher, wenn das Wasser darin mit einer sicheren Dosis Kupfer ionisiert ist! Der Kupferwasserbecher wird in Indien handgefertigt. Der Kupferbecher „reinigt“ das Wasser. Der ayurvedischen Tradition zufolge bringt es die drei Doshas in unserem Körper (Vata, Kapha, Pitta) ins Gleichgewicht. Strahlen Sie von innen nach außen!

Keep a copper water pot next to your bed and drink a full cup in the morning when the water in it is ionized with a safe dose of copper! The copper water pot is handmade in India. The copper pot "purifies" the water. According to the Ayurvedic tradition, it balances the three doshas in our body (Vata, Kapha, Pitta). Glow from the inside out!

Bakrena čaša 400 ml

  • daily consumption of copper water significantly strengthens your immunity
  • copper destroys bacteria and viruses in a few hours, so it is ideal for keeping water fresh
  • copper particles purify water, make it easier to digest, alkaline, tasty, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
  • use the pot only for water (do not pour juice, coffee, tea or other liquids into it)
  • material: 100% pure copper, protective varnish
  • volume: 400 ml

How can copper (Cu) affect you?

  • improves the efficient use of iron
  • it creates melanin – which affects the color of our hair and eyes
  • prevents premature signs of aging
  • increases energy levels
  • regulates heart rhythm
  • regulates thyroid function
  • relieves the symptoms of arthritis
  • promotes faster healing of wounds
  • increases the formation of red blood cells
  • lowers cholesterol levels
  • improves the health of connective tissue, hair and eyes
  • promotes the body's appropriate reactions to enzymes
Source: Healthline

Cleaning and maintenance of a copper glass

1) Add 1 teaspoon of ascorbic or citric acid powder, fill to the top with lukewarm water.

2) Leave the solution in the cup for two hours - NO MORE.

3) Pour off the solution and rinse the cup well with water.

Make sure that the cup is stored dry when not in use. Do not wash copper products in the dishwasher!

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Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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