Kupferhalter für Räucherstäbchen oder Palo Santo-Stäbchen

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Der Kupferhalter für Räucherstäbchen oder Palo Santo-Stäbchen wird in Italien handgefertigt. Schlichtes und elegantes Design.
So niedrig wie € 11,75

The copper holder for incense or Palo Santo stick is handmade in Italy. Simple and elegant design.

Copper holder for incense or Palo Santo stick

  • suitable for incense (white sage) and sticks of sacred wood
  • simple and elegant design
  • the flexible holder adapts to any rod size
  • the copper spiral embodies the symbolic form of infinity
  • handmade in Italy

Palo Santo is considered the oldest natural anti-stress: an explosion of positive energies, brightening the day like a ray of sunshine.

More about Palo Santo....

More about Palo Santo

What is Palo Santo?

Palo Santo, which means "sacred wood" or "wood of the saints", is a tree that grows on the coast of South America. Burning these sticks is a practice used by indigenous communities in the Andes to cleanse their space and ward off evil spirits. This practice is called smudging - a spiritual practice where you clear your energy fields with a piece of burning Palo Santo or a bundle of herbs such as white sage.

Sacred wood is part of the citrus family and has a very pleasant sweet scent of pine, mint and lemon. Perfect for the holiday season.

How to use Palo Santo

We recommend using a candle to light your Palo Santo stick. Hold it at an angle of about 45 degrees and point the tip down towards the candle flame. If the sticks were slightly wet, you may have trouble lighting them, so store them in a dry place.

Let the stick burn for about 30 seconds, then blow it out. Smoke will rise from the embers and spread into the environment. You can gently blow on the embers to revive them. When the ember goes out, you can simply repeat the lighting process.

DO NOT under any circumstances let the flame under the stick burn for more than a few seconds! When finished, place the stick in an fireproof bowl.

Meditation and yoga

Palo Santo can be lit in preparation for daily meditation or yoga practice. This helps us prepare our energy and mind for meditation and allows us to connect better with the practice of yoga.


More Information
MarkePalo Santo
Gewicht (kg)0.050000

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