Mala Rudraksha Yoga Rishi, Yoga-Schmuck

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Mala Rudraksha von Yoga Rishi kommt aus Indien zu uns. Yogischer Schmuck – Mala Rudraksha-Halskette besteht aus 108 traditionellen indischen Gebetsperlen. Rudraksha-„Perlen“ haben in der spirituellen Welt Indiens eine lange Tradition.

So niedrig wie € 21,59

Mala Rudraksha from Yoga Rishi comes to us from India. Yogic jewelry - mala Rudraksha necklace consists of 108 traditional Indian prayer beads. Rudraksha "pearls" have a long tradition in the spiritual world of India.

These "pearls" are actually the seeds of the Rudraksha tree and are also called "Shiva's Tears". Rudraksha seeds have a positive effect on spirituality and health and promote meditation. In Hinduism, they have been used for meditative purposes since the 10th century.

Mala Rudraksha Yoga Rishi, jogic jewelry - ogrlica mala Rudraksha

  • the small necklace consists of 108 Rudraksha seed beads (Elaeocarpus ganitrus*)
  • the seeds are tied together, woven in the traditional way
  • used in meditation
  • it can be "just" a piece of beautiful natural jewelry
  • in the Vedic scriptures, mystical and divine properties are attributed to seeds, "pearls" (they offer protection from negative influences, protect us, help maintain health, gain self-empowerment, and help us achieve our goals)
  • length: 80 cm
  • made in India

Malas available with 8mm or 10mm diameter balls!

The Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree is an indigenous species in the Himalayas (India Nepal). It is an evergreen tree and has blue fruits from which the seeds are extracted.

Mala necklaces can be made of wooden beads, seeds, semi-precious or precious stones or gems. The mala consists of 108 beads. The number 108 is a sacred number in many cultures, especially in the Hindu tradition. The number comes from multiplying the 12 "astrological houses" by the 9 planets. Each mala also has a Guru bead or tassel to remind us of the teachers in our lives.

How do we use mala?

Traditionally, the mala is held between the thumb and middle finger so that each bead passes through the finger and thumb. At this, the mantra is recited either silently or aloud. The most powerful mantras are said to be those that are repeated silently in the mind. We do this until we reach the Guru's bead, then turn the mala and the process continues until we reach the Guru bead again. Repeating a mantra in this way is a great way to calm the mind and keep the thoughts in your daily life (whatever that is for each of us, regardless of culture or religion).


The power of the mala necklace cannot be denied. We can quickly notice its positive effects. Try it on and find your own Mala necklace that will put an end to your worries. We all know stress, anxiety and fear - but with the right mala, you can always have some reassurance with you in a beautiful way!


More Information
MarkeYoga Rishi
Gewicht (kg)0.010000

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