Meditationsbank Dharma Standard Lotuscrafts

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Die Meditationsbank Dharma Standard von Lotuscrafts ist aus massivem Buchenholz gefertigt. Es vereint Funktion, Aussehen und Formschönheit. Geeignet für eine Körpergröße bis 180 cm.
So niedrig wie € 63,89

Meditation bench Dharma Standard Lotuscrafts for body height up to 180 cm is made of solid beech wood. It combines function, appearance and beauty of form and is manufactured with the utmost care and precision.

Due to the rounded seat, the pelvis tilts slightly forward, thus supporting the upright posture of the body in meditation and allowing deep abdominal breathing. The bench helps lift the hips to touch the ground with your knees and keep your spine elevated. The upholstered seat is made of a foam cushion with cover made of 100% organic cotton.

Suitable for body height up to 180 cm. To protect your knees, we recommend that you practise on a soft surface.

Meditation bench Dharma Standard Lotuscrafts for body height up to 180 cm

  • made of solid beech wood
  • rounded seat, the pelvis is tilted slightly forward
  • supports upright posture in meditation
  • allows deep abdominal breathing
  • helps lift hips to touch the ground with your knees and keep your spine elevated
  • upholstered seat: foam cushion with cover made of 100% organic cotton
  • seat area: 46 x 19.5 cm
  • for body height up to 180 cm
  • size: front 13,5 cm, rear 16,5 cm
  • weight: 2.2 kg


Their name in the products combines purity, beauty, special art of making from natural, human and environmentally friendly materials (cotton, spelt, kapok wool).


The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, peace and beauty in many cultures in the East. The lotus flower is very special because of its exceptional surface structure, which allows water, dust particles, mud and micro-organisms to "unwind" and bloom in perfect beauty.


It means trade, art.

Yoga Lotuscrafts

More about Lotuscrafts

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Gewicht (kg)2.300000

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Teile deine Gedanken mit anderen Kunden

  1. Globoka povezava
    Sem zaveden kristjan in s pomočje te klopce vzpostavljam globoko povezavo z Stvarnikom. Neprecenljivo in ganljivo, hvala vam za ta produkt.
  2. Odličen del za meditacijo. Udobna meditacija
    Odličen del za meditacijo. Prej sem vedno sedel na blazini, a s klopmi zagotovo sediš pokončno in lahko meditiraš dlje, ne da bi ti noge zaspal. Edina slabost je zložljiva funkcija nog klopi, zato me vedno skrbi, da se bom uščipnil. Priporočam nakup.

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