Moringablätterpulver Superfood

Moringa-Pulverblätter haben die Welt der Gesundheit und Ernährung erobert. Die dunkelgrünen Blätter von Moringa sind reich an Vitamin C, das für die Aufrechterhaltung des Immunsystems von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.
So niedrig wie € 15,69

Moringa leaves powder have taken over the world of health and nutrition. According to Ayurvedic medicine, eating leaves at least twice a week strengthens your body's resistance and prevents various allergies.

The dark green leaves of Moringa are rich in vitamin C, which is crucial for maintaining the immune system.

Organic moringa leaves powder Magic Rainbow Superfood, dietary supplement, superfood

  • is an important source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, iron, riboflavin, magnesium and protein
  • for healthy bones: Moringa leaves are full of calcium and phosphorus for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain
  • the leaves are rich in fiber
  • they are full of antioxidants
  • recommended daily intake: 1 teaspoon mixed with food or water (approximately 3.5 g)
  • they are great for additions to smooties, yogurts, cereals, and other refreshing drinks
  • powder can be sprinkled on soup, risotto, fries...
  • refrigerate after opening
  • suitable for vegans
  • gluten free
  • GMO-free
  • from organic production
  • 100 g

listi moringe, superfood

What is Moringa Oleifera?

Moringa Oleifera is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree native to tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. It is grown for its young seed pods and leaves, which are used as vegetables. It is also used to purify water. Moringa oleifera is considered an aggressive invasive species.

Moringa trees are used to combat malnutrition, especially in infants and nursing mothers. Moringa pods are a food source rich in iron. Every part of the plant (root, flower, leaf, pods and stems) is considered a valuable food, also rich in high nutrient content of minerals and vitamins.

Did you know that moringa is known as an aphrodisiac. It increases testosterone levels in men.

Health benefits of moringa leaves

  • effectively eliminates constipation
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • strengthens the heart muscle
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect
  • helps to narrow or dilate blood vessels
  • for healthy bones: Moringa leaves are full of calcium and phosphorus for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain.
  • helps break down fats - helps with weight loss

Organic moringa powder Magic Rainbow Superfood

Nutritional value 100g.

Nutritional value value per 100 g
energy value 1218 kj / 306 kcal
fats 5.5 g
carbohydrates 26 g
of which sugars (7.9 g)
protein 25 g
dietary fiber 24 g
salt 0 g

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! It is not a substitute for a balanced diet! The product is produced and packaged in a soybean processing plant.

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More Information
MarkeMagic Rainbow Superfood
Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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