Yogamattenreiniger Jade Mat Wash

Jade Yoga Mat Cleaner ist ein rein pflanzliches Reinigungsmittel für Naturkautschuk-Yogamatten. Es enthält eine Mischung aus ätherischen Ölen, die die Matte reinigen und dabei helfen, die Lebensdauer der Matte zu verlängern.
So niedrig wie € 15,74

Jade Yoga Mat Cleaner is a completely plant-based cleaning agent for natural rubber yoga mats. It contains a blend of essential oils that clean the mat and help extend the life of the mat.

Yoga mat cleaner Jade Mat Wash

  • the cleaner is intended for all yoga mats made of natural rubber
  • the cleaner thoroughly cleans natural rubber mats
  • the cleaner extends the life of the mat
  • the cleaner also has a charitable touch - for every cleaner sold, Jade donates to the Clean the World organization to provide a bar of soap to an individual in need
  • made in the usa
  • volume 118ml or 237ml


Water, trisodium citrate (derived from citrus fruits), plant-based surfactant, white thyme, oregano and eucalyptus oils (antioxidant-rich essential oils) and citrus oil-based emulsion.

Cleaning instructions

Spray the mat with Jade Mat Wash cleaner. Then wipe it off with a clean, soft towel. Wait for it to dry (leave the mat unfolded and away from sunlight for a few minutes). Be careful not to swallow the cleaner or let it come into contact with the eyes. Store the cleaner in a cool and dry place.

Did you know?

We usually do not recommend using essential oils to clean natural rubber yoga mats. A Jade Mat Wash is made with a low concentration and optimally composed formula of essential oils and even serves as an antioxidant for natural rubber. This means that the cleaner will not damage the Jade mat mat as it might with other essential oils.

Use only Jade Mat Wash cleaner to care for your Jade Yoga Mat Wash. Third-party cleaners or homemade mixes can damage the Jade mats.

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Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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