Rosa Pitaya Drachenfruchtpulver

Drachenfruchtpulver von Raaw Life enthält die Früchte der rosa Drachenfrucht. Daher hat das Pulver eine leuchtend rosa Farbe und wir können es neben seiner heilenden Wirkung auch zum Färben alltäglicher Getränke und Mahlzeiten verwenden. Rosa Drachenfruchtpulver ist ein echtes Superfood!
So niedrig wie € 20,04

Pitaya powder contains the fruits of the pink pitaya. Therefore, the powder is a bright pink color and in addition to its active ingredients, it can also be used to color everyday drinks and dishes (pink lemonade is fantastic, pink pancakes also).

Pink pitaya powder is a real Superfood!

Pink pitaya powder, Dragon Fruit Powder 100 g

  • is a source of fiber and antioxidants
  • contains moderate amounts of vitamin B6 and minerals manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron, carotene...
  • it can help with digestion as it improves the balance of good bacteria in the gut
  • high content of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system
  • recommended daily intake: 1 teaspoon mixed with food (approx. 3.5g)
  • refrigerate after opening
  • suitable for vegans
  • gluten free
  • GMO-free
  • from organic production
  • 100 g

Pitaja super food

How to use pitaya?

It has also been found that our natural pitaya powder is low in saturated fat, dietary fiber and vitamin C. It contains a good amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B complex, protein, carbohydrates.

Pink Lemonade Recipe:

  • 1/2 squeezed lemon
  • 3 dcl of water
  • little Pink PITAYA powder

Pink pitaya / dragon fruit is also used to flavor and color juices and alcoholic beverages ("Dragon's Blood Punch" and "Dragon").

What is Pitaya

Pitaya is a cactus fruit. It is also called Dragon Fruit. The cactus blooms only one night, so we also call it the queen of the night. We know 3 types of pitaya; two have a pink peel and the inside of the fruit is white or pink, or the third type which has a yellow peel and a white inside.

The red and purple colors of the fruit are due to betacyanins, a family of pigments that includes betanines, the same substance that gives beets, prickly pear, amaranth red color. The texture of the fruit can be compared to the texture of kiwi due to the black, crunchy seeds. The meat is soft, slightly sweet and low in calories. The seeds taste like nuts. The seeds are rich in lipids.

Pitayas with a yellow shell and a pink one with a pink core are rarer. The pink core has a more pronounced taste. The healing properties of pitaya are exceptional. It is supposed to help with eye health, improves digestion, slows down the aging process, regulates blood sugar, improves appetite, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

In 2013, pitaya was declared a superfruit. It can bear 6 times a year. They make juices and wine from it. Interestingly, after eating pink pitaya, your urine may turn red.

Pitaya powder Magic Rainbow Superfood

Nutritional value 100g.

Nutritional value Nutritional value per 100 g
energy value 897 kj / 213 kcal
fat 0 g
carbohydrates 45.6 g
of which sugars ( 34.8 g)
dietary fiber 13.2 g
protein 0.9 g
salt 0 g

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! It is not a substitute for a balanced diet! Use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. The product is produced and packaged in a soybean processing plant.

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More Information
MarkeMagic Rainbow Superfood
Gewicht (kg)0.100000

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  1. Osvježenje u kuhinji
    Veseli nas da postoji nešto ovako zdravo što nam može obojati hranu, a da bude nešto novo, djeci zanimljivo. Od palačinki, kolača, torte... Često radimo sirove, zdrave torte pa ova ružičasta boja baš uljepša izgled :)

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