Alles Mooi Tracker Socken

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Alles Mooi Tracker Mohair-Socken – Ideal für alle Outdoor-Aktivitäten. Eine perfekte Kombination aus Stil, Komfort und Funktion. Eine vollständig gepolsterte technische Socke mit Mohair im Fuß, um Feuchtigkeit abzuleiten und die Füße trocken zu halten.
So niedrig wie € 19,18

Alles Mooi Tracker Mohair socks - Ideal for all outdoor activities. A perfect combination of style, comfort and function. A fully cushioned technical sock with mohair in the foot to wick away moisture and keep feet dry. 

The thermal properties of mohair keep feet comfortable throughout the day in cold or warm conditions. Odor free.

Moisture management: Mohair’s natural wickability and capillary capability results in moisture being easily absorbed and perspiration being wicked away from the foot, keeping it dry, comfortable and fresh.

Anti-bacterial and odour resistant: Tracker socks incorporate bamboo fibre that has a natural anti-bacteria deodorising agent called bamboo Kun that keeps the foot feeling fresh, unlike chemical agents that can cause skin allergies.

Thermally balanced: Tracker socks are made from natural fibres, which keep the foot cool and comfortable in hot temperatures, and warm and snug in cold conditions.

Mohair terry cushioning on foot for chafe resistance, moisture absorption and blister resistance.

About Alles Mooi Tracker socks

  • outdoor activities, mountaineering, tracking, trekking,..
  • style, comfort, function and protection
  • Mohair - wick away moisture and keep feet dry
  • thermal properties - feet comfortable throughout the day in cold or warm conditions. Odor free.
  • bamboo fibre - natural anti-bacteria
  • Material: 36% Bamboo, 18% Mohair, 18% Merino Wool, 28% Polyamide

When purchasing a South African mohair product you’re enabling sustainable, ethical farming practices, and supporting a country, an industry, and, more importantly, thousands of farmers and families dependent on this noble fibre.

More on Alles Mooi socks

Why mohair?

  • Mohair fiber absorb moisture quickly, wick perspiration away from the feet and keeping it dry, comfortable and fresh.
  • Mohair is super thermo regulation fiber. It is natural insulator – it keeps your feet warm in cold conditions and cool in hot weather.
  • Mohair is blister resistance. It has smooth surface and it is very soft, so because of that is reducing chafing and blisters.
  • This smooth fiber structure prevents the build up of bacteria, and together with the natural wick-ability, allows your foot to breath and remain odor free.
  • Mohair has little tendency to shrink during washing which is largely attributable to its smooth and unpronounced scale structure. It can be bent and twisted without damage.
  • Mohair is extremely elastic, it can be stretched to 30% of its normal length and still spring back into shape. Because of this resilience mohair socks resist wrinkling, stretching out of shape and sagging during wear.

The mohair fibers in Alles Mooi come from South Africa, where they produce about 50% of all mohair in the world. Here all knowledge passes from generation to generation. When you buy a South African mohair product, you are supporting sustainable, ethical farming practices and thousands of farmers and their families.

Play Your Part With Pride

More Information
MarkeAlles Mooi
Gewicht (kg)0.150000
Inhalt18% moher, 18% merino volna, 36% bambus, 28% poliamid

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

Teile deine Gedanken mit anderen Kunden

  1. Nogavice so v redu
    Nogavice so v redu, samo za moj okus so predolge.
  2. Solidni štumfi
    Nogavice so v redu, prijetne na dotik, nekoliko predolge za moj okus.

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