Weihrauch, weißer Salbei - zwei Teile in einem Set

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"Weihrauch, weißer Salbei aus Kalifornien ist ein traditioneller, schamanischer, natürlicher, handgefertigter Weihrauch. Weiße Salbeiblätter, die in Bündeln gebunden sind, öffnen den Weg für frische Energie. Energie wird freier fließen, Sie werden negative Energie aus dem Raum verbannen und eine freie Möglichkeit für positive Energie machen. "
So niedrig wie € 19,62

Incense, white sage from California is a traditional, shamanic, natural, handmade incense. White sage leaves tied in bundles open the way for fresh energy.

Energy will flow more freely, you will banish negative energy from the room and make a free way for positive energy.

White sage leaves incense, two pieces in a set

  • bunch of white sage (Salvia Apiana)
  • is the indispensable incense of North American Indians and shamans
  • is a wonderful incense with a characteristic herbal aroma - it also works perfectly as a natural air freshener
  • you will expel negative energy from the room and make way for positive energy (for apartment, office)
  • creates a clean and pleasant environment in the room for meditation, yoga
  • it also cleans negative energies in the individual's energy field
  • calms during a stressful period, after a fight
  • but it can be lit simply for a better feeling and relaxation
  • it has antimicrobial properties - it helps remove bacteria, viruses and fungi from the room, and also repels insects
  • comes to us from California (USA)
  • dimensions: 12 x 3 cm (one piece)
  • packed in a nice cardboard box

Salvia Apiana, white sage, is an aromatic evergreen shrub native to arid and semiarid areas of the American Southwest. But today it is also widespread in other areas and is also found here. Native Americans also used the plant for medicinal purposes.

How to use white sage incense

Hold one end of the bundle over an open flame (candle) until the sage begins to smolder. Then shake the bundle to start smoking from the bundle. Thus, the room will be filled with the smell of incense. Shake the bundle until it goes out (so that the embers are no longer smoldering at the end). If the bundle burns too much or you want to put it out, put it in a glass jar with a lid to take away oxygen from it and stop burning. You can also place it in a jar of sand. Next time, use the sage bundle using the same procedure.

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MarkePalo Santo
Gewicht (kg)0.030000

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