Yogagürtel Lotuscrafts

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Yogagürtel zur Unterstützung bei Yoga-Asanas. Zur Vertiefung der Yoga-Praxis, für schnellere Fortschritte und für eine einfachere Yoga-Praxis. Aus 100 % Bio-Baumwolle.
So niedrig wie € 13,72

Yoga belt for support in yoga asanas. For the deepening of yoga practice, for faster progression and for more easier yoga practice. Made of 100% organic cotton (kbA). Made in India.

Classic yoga strap suitable as support for yoga asanas

Yoga belt Lotuscrafts

  • For faster progression and for more easier yoga practice
  • Two metal "D-rings" hold the belt securely in the desired length
  • Material: 100% organic cotton (soft and durable)
  • Dimesion: 2.5m length / 3.8 cm wide
  • Made in India


Their name in the products combines purity, beauty, special art of making from natural, human and environmentally friendly materials (cotton, spelt, kapok wool).


The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, peace and beauty in many cultures in the East. The lotus flower is very special because of its exceptional surface structure, which allows water, dust particles, mud and micro-organisms to "unwind" and bloom in perfect beauty.


It means trade, art.

Yoga Lotuscrafts

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Gewicht (kg)0.170000

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

Teile deine Gedanken mit anderen Kunden

  1. Super
    Super trak
  2. Really strong
    Really strong, great quality. And its 100% cotton, im so happy!
  3. Strong and well made. Recomend
    It's strong and well made. Colour is perfect and I'm very happy with it.
  4. Great yoga strap good value
    This is a really good yoga strap, it's got a good texture so it doesn't slip. Doesn't stretch during use. Overall very happy.
  5. Expensive but worth it
    Very strong thick cotton. A good quality item, worth the cost.

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